30 Days of Flirting

Are you a woman that wants to have more happiness, joy, love, vitality, energy and connection?

Most women are overloaded with duties and obligations…. and if you are a high-achieving woman, we also know that research in this area illustrates that you secretly fear having your own success. As a result, you may feel like like a fraud, undervaluing yourself and it shows up as daily stress, sleeping problems, lack of boundaries with what you spend your time and energy on, not to mention the loads of pressure you have on yourself.

This means that on the outside you look successful, but deep inside you feel this fear – a fear that you are not going to have the life that you truly want. It’s like you are looking for something and yet you haven’t found that inner satisfaction – How to be with yourself? How to create the life you secretly desire?

You might have closed the door to be able to really feel your feelings. If you do feel, it’s feelings of fear, negative thoughts and emotions that’s spinning your mind. You wish for more happiness! More energy!  More confidence! Confidence to be yourself, express yourself fully. You want to live and be in integrity with yourself!

Therefore, it’s time to focus how you are being with your own self-care. Yes, you may go to the gym and do some daily exercises, but my invitation of playing this game with me is another kind of focus on YOURSELF.  It’s the development of YOU as an woman in connection with all your feelings and sensations. It’s time to develop YOU as a sensual being.

Are you with me?

Your investment is €297

I know that you can do this and I know that joining me in this game will create a difference in your life.

Yeah, I’m hearing you, there might be some resistance showing up in your head right now. You might say, I have a great self-esteem. I don’t need flirting. In fact, you might already find that you are a great flirt. But if you look deep inside to be really honest, you know it’s a mask that you have put up between yourself and the world. You still struggle with knowing your value and being able to be clear in communication with people in your environment.

So why flirting? Because it’s the door to start to play and it’s time to heal that hidden guilt and shame you have around your sexuality. Yes, you do have it! We all have it, we just might not want to be in connection with these feelings. That’s why it’s easier to avoid it. I say don’t!

Why is this important?

Because how you relate to your sexuality is how you relate to everything else in your life. It impact all your relationships. How you handle and nourish your relationships comes from the capacity to be able to care and nourish yourself. Everything starts with YOU, being FULLY YOU!

When you open up your playful feminine, you open up to life itself. What is it you want? What are you yearning for? What’s your desire?

It’s time to…

– change the perspective of how you can be in relationships…. and it starts with yourself!

– start cultivating your feminine self!

– develop a shameless you – that can receive – irrespective if it’s love or money

That is the reason why I invented this game. I want to take you out from your logical thinking and intellectual mind and draw you into the Art of Play. The flirting I’m talking about is not about the mating process or how we think of finding a partner (even though that might happen, if that is what you really want). Instead, this it’s about learning that flirting is ultimately about being playful and interacting with life itself.

What would it take to create a life that is big, bold and beautiful?

Let’s create a change in your perception of yourself,  through learning from the Art of Play. I say Art of Play, since this is a new kind of Game that we have to learn.

This Game is for YOU…

If you are ready to explore YOUR authentic feminine self and find a platform where you can thrive in the nourishment of knowing that you are held by others, similar like-minded sisters who wants to see you thrive in your full power of who you are as a woman in this world.

It all starts by:

  • honoring yourself
  • exploring your sexy self, i.e. acknowledge the FULL expression of who you are
  • connecting with strangers safely
  • recognizing that flirt is a play for interaction

How? We meet in 5 calls where you get a structure and inspiration for the forthcoming week on a particular topic. You have daily check-ins with your writing partner and engage in a practice of daily journal writings.

When?  Five Sundays @ 8PM Swedish time (CEST) and 11 AM Pacific time via a Zoom meeting.

Your investment is €297


  • Weekly FLIRTING EXPLORATION group calls that create a STRUCTURE for learning about your SEXY SELF
  • An assigned partner to email daily, to provide ACCEPTANCE
  • Guided journaling process based on the Make Miracles in 40 Days by Melody Beattie to provide RELIEF
  • A structure of daily e-mails that keeps you on track and deepening your learning
  • A weekly inventory structure for ACCEPTANCE and APPRECIATION of your SELF
  • Lifetime membership to an international private community of flirting explorers

Are you ready to step into a game where you start cultivating your authentic self as a woman and start explore your sexy being? Do you want to discover your natural born gifts and talents of what it means to create relationships that are thriving… and how to have MORE in life, also of money?

YES! I’m ready to play this game. It feels HOT and SCARY! I’m curious! WOW! This feeling is exciting! I know I can do it!

Your investment is €297

What previous Flirting Playmates learned as a result of participating:

“The shame and guilt I had related to my sexuality and how to be with my partner totally vanished, instead I found myself articulating what I want and my desires” – Karen

“I started to practice what I’ve learned with you on my job and in sales situations and found to myself that I could create greater sales. I feel attractive and sexy. Men sees me and I can thrive in this instead of feeling uncomfortable how to handle it.” – Lisa

“I loved the part of what it means to open up to a total stranger as my buddy partner. I remembered to be playful and take the life more easy and light” – Erika

Listen to Anna Åberg – one of the recurring Flirting Playmates: