Category: Blog


Did your relationship survive the summer vacation?

If so – congratulations. Swedish statistics indicate this is a major challenge for most couples. The month of October has during the past 20 years, had the highest divorce rate each year.    According to Swedish Statistics (SCB), the average couple who divorce are in their 40’s with an income level between 20-40 000 SKR and…
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October 6, 2021 0
feminine energy

Why do relationships often fail…

I often hear: ”We had such a great relationship but then I don’t know what happened? S/he don’t want to be with me any longer.” The real underlying problem here is that most people are not really willing to learn the ART of Relationships. A relationship is for many, just something that happens without any…
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September 30, 2021 0
Conscious Love

Why is it so hard to continue to have love in your life?

You meet a person that is attractive to you. Immediately you feel this notion of infatuation. This must be your soulmate! Maybe it’s we forever? All these feelings are mutual and together you dive deep into the enjoyment of being in love. Learning about each other. It’s just that as human beings very few have…
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September 11, 2021 0
differences between women and men

Let’s talk about the differences between women and men!

Yep, there is a difference. Unfortunately, most of the time we are not willing to understand how these biological differences create communication problems.  One example. The man is watching sports on television and the woman is trying to get his attention. Because it’s a feminine desire to have your man being attentive to you… yes!…
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September 6, 2021 0

When you longing for freedom and independence instead of engaging in love…

I find this over and again with women and also with men. You are working hard, building your business or achieving something in your successful career.  You have the ambition to stay out of commitment because in the bottom end you think you don’t want to be in a relationship…. Instead, you take pleasure in…
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August 18, 2021 0