Category: Personal Transformation


When you longing for freedom and independence instead of engaging in love…

I find this over and again with women and also with men. You are working hard, building your business or achieving something in your successful career.  You have the ambition to stay out of commitment because in the bottom end you think you don’t want to be in a relationship…. Instead, you take pleasure in…
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August 18, 2021 0

How to turn defeat into power!

Do you belong to those who easily get into the feeling of defeat? Maybe you don’t get the attention you want, or you don’t get the connection you are longing for?  Maybe you recognize the feeling of not being able to clearly communicate what’s truly important to you, speaking about the arising fears growing inside…
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August 5, 2020 0

Matrix,Theta Healing and Coaching: A Comparision

What’s the difference between professional coaching and the methodologies of Theta-healing and Matrix? After attending a seminar in Matrix Energetics – the Science and Art of Transformation, I have this urge to elaborate on the differences between these very different forms of transformational tools. Its now many years ago since I was trained as a Co-Active Coach…
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January 31, 2013 0

Organizational Change: Human Skills

Previously, I’ve been talking about conceptual and technical skills for change.  This time I’d like to talk about the most important skills necessary for organizational change, namley human skills.  This is described as the ability to work as a group and to build cooperation within the team. Human skills are concentrated on working with people.…
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July 30, 2012 0

Organizational Change: What is Needed to Create Thriving Organizations?

I became interested in coaching when I realized that contemporary organizations face a challenge. The challenge is how to find a new way to not react to problems but instead be more proactive to find new solutions to old problems. This is all about understanding system thinking and organizational change. Observing Organizational Change I began…
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June 18, 2012 1