Leadership Styles: Are they Natural or Developed?

Leadership Styles: Are they Natural or Developed?

May 14, 2012 All Leadership 0

Lately I have been pondering a question: Is our leadership style determined naturally OR, is it our capacity to grow as a human being that allows us to grow into new models of leadership styles?

Leadership Skills

Are leadership skills something we develop throughout our life time? Personally, I believe that individuals who are open to change will also be open to transforming into new models of leadership styles. But, those who are resistant to change will claim their leadership to certain organizational positions, and in certain situations, that can be damaging for the staff.  Research even indicates this is could cause health risks for the employees.*

Psychologist Kurt Lewin identified three forms of leadership styles.  They are authoritative, participative (democratic) or delegative. Curious which leadership style you have? You can take the test here.

Leadership Styles

Authoritative leadership is very different compared to the style that many people associate with creative leadership or the power of team excellence. Team excellence can be seen as the ultimate edge on the other side of the authoritative leader. Leaders that come together to reach a common purpose can, if the conditions are right, excel into team excellence.

They have much in common with the creative leadership style. They are oriented to relationships and not afraid of building close relationships. They are oriented to change and it’s easy for them to dive into new projects. They are reflective, meaning they can pace themselves and reflect on what is happening. They are visionary and they often change working areas and directions in life.**

Being in such a creative environment, is like being in the flow of playing music. When you are capable to speaking the language of birds, everything is possible. There is where I love to take my clients.

*Anna Nyberg (2009) “The Impact of Managerial Leadership on Stress and Health Among Employees”at Karolinska inst, Sweden.
**Farida Rasulzada (2007) “Organizational creativity and psychological well-being. Contextual aspects on organizational creativity and psychological well-being from an open systems perspective.” University of Lund dissertation.

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