Are you working hard…changing the world, but have no time for intimacy?

Are you working hard…changing the world, but have no time for intimacy?

February 26, 2021 Blog Stress 0
working hard

You are driven by your ambitions and desire for changing the world to a better place. Yes, I know how it is… well … hard work 😀

It’s just for you it doesn’t feel like work. It’s your passion! This is what you love. Absorbing yourself in your passion is where you thrive. ❤️

So you keep yourself focused knowing that the magic you are creating is dependent on your achievement. 

It’s just that…  😱

You hardly find time for something else. In particular, being interested investing in the relationship you have… That is… if you got one.

Relationships for you take time and energy… and they can be rather complicated. You know that because you have been there, done that. 

I know how this is because I used to be exactly this person myself. I closed the door to relationships and attracted men that were exactly like myself – emotionally unavailable. At the time I didn’t care since I was without knowing about it, operating from my masculine energy. Relationships were consumed, not cherished. 

Well, my life could have continued in exactly that direction if something one day changed my whole perception of understanding. I fell in love with myself and realized that all relationships start from the quality of the relationship that you can have with yourself. 

I went on a two-year long quest and came out with the WOW to myself — to choose to stay connected to my emotions, to be willing to expose myself to other peoples unconscious fear and shame in order to demonstrate the way of how what it means to truly live a turned-on thriving life where love is in the center. ❤️

That is the difference of operating from the feminine instead of the overdriven masculine energy that was part of my history… Today I have the experience of different feeling when I’m out of alignment with my sexual energy or not. When I’m acting from my masculine or feminine… and how this impacts not only intimacy but also relationships. 

And that is exactly why I think is we women can thrive first when we are in a relationship with a masculine man since it gives us the support to further embrace our feminine. Healing our core wounds that will be revealed and mirrored through the relationship.  

I used to think personal development was something that happened in isolation with myself. But now I know better. It happens in the mirror of someone else. And that is why we need to not close the door to relationships but instead open the door to see that this is the way to discover new things about ourselves. 

The question is why is this all-important beyond the idea that is wonderful to feel love? Here is the hint, everything you do in your professional life is a mirror of how you are handling your intimate relationships. 😎

Now you too can create a breakthrough in your relationship in a way that will transform your leadership and business… Connect with me and learn more about how I can help you.

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